Google Helpful Content Update 2022 | Google’s Biggest Algorithm Update

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Google Helpful Content Update 2022 | Google’s Biggest Algorithm Update

Google Helpful Content Update 2022

Here’s what Google New Update.


On August 18, 2022, Google announced a new algorithm update called the Helpful Content Update. This article will provide an overview of this update when it will be rolled out, the expected results, and why this ranking algorithm update is essential for content creators and search engine optimization (SEO).

The ultimate goal is to educate you on Google's Helpful content updates so you can work on improving the quality of your content and adjusting your digital marketing SEO strategies for long-term success.

About Helpful Content Update

As the name suggests, the goal of Google's Helpful Content Update is to ensure that the content users find in search results provides value to their intended audience. From the beginning, Google emphasized the importance of being user-centric. This update is a continuation of that mission – just like every previous Google update.

According to the Search Central blog, a Helpful content update aims to better reward content where visitors feel they had a satisfying experience. Conversely, content that doesn't meet visitor expectations won't perform as well.

A new site-wide ranking signal targets content that's built for search engines first, not users. Google tries to address what it considers "useless content" versus content that is created to help users. Their post discusses the differences between "search engine first" and "people first" content creation. For example, sites that simply aggregate content from other sources without providing any unique value or statistics.

Why Is Google Launching This Ranking Algorithm Update?

Google is constantly improving its systems to ensure that the websites displayed and their ranking in its search engine is as useful and relevant as possible for users. As a people-centric search engine, Google wants website owners and content publishers to create high-quality content that meets people's needs, not just SEO rankings.

While Google's Helpful content update will affect every website industry, initial testing has shown that the following categories should see the biggest improvement in SERPs for providing higher quality, human-centric content written to meet the needs of users, not just search engines. algorithms for SEO ranking purposes - online education, arts and entertainment, shopping, technology-related content.

Google's documentation for this update also includes information on how to rank your content to see if it's following the search engine's first approach. As mentioned in the guide, answering yes to any or all of the questions below means you should rethink how you create content on your website:

  • Is the content primarily to attract people from search engines rather than being made for people?
  • Are you creating a lot of content on different topics in the hope that one of them might perform well in search results?
  • Do you use extensive automation to create content on many topics?
  • Are you mainly summarizing what others are saying without adding much value?
  • Are you writing about things simply because they seem to be trending and not because you would otherwise be writing about them for your existing audience?
  • Does your content leave readers feeling like they have to search again for better information from other sources?
  • Are you writing to a specific word count because you've heard or read that Google has one?
  • Have you decided to enter a niche subject area with no real knowledge, but instead mainly because you thought you would get traffic from search engines?
  • Does your content promise an answer to a question that doesn't have an answer, such as implying there is a release date for a product, movie, or TV show when it isn't confirmed?

How to Recover from a Helpful Content Update Hit?

It will probably take a few months for the site to recover from this update. Once the signal is applied to your site, it will remain there for several months. As we help sites try to recover from this update, here's what we're likely to focus on.

  • Identify which content is primarily created for testing and evaluation, and devise a strategy to de-index, remove, or improve that content.
  • Make sure your website demonstrates first-hand expertise in your topic, and find ways to get others in your industry to recognize you as an expert and knowledgeable about your topics.
  • Content redesign and improvements are based on the questions Google says to ask in their What Publishers Should Know About Core Updates blog post, their product review guide, and their affiliate content guide. This may include: better demonstrate first-hand expertise, doing more to make others known as an expert (ie good content marketing and PR), finding ways to make the content as valuable as possible to searchers, focusing on understanding what the searcher intends to do and finding and delivering content that meets that need
  • Clarifying the purpose or focus of each page (and making sure that focus is primarily about helping people.)
  • For inspiration, compare what type of content Google ranks from competitors.

We will adjust our advice as we learn more about what types of sites are affected and study recovery cases as they arise. I expect this will require drastic changes for most of the sites that are negatively affected to recover. In some cases, reassessment may not be possible.

When Is the Google Helpful Content Update Rolling Out?

Google's Helpful content update will go live the week of August 22, 2022. This ranking algorithm update will take approximately two weeks to fully roll out for English searches worldwide, with plans to expand to other languages.

You can keep up-to-date with the launch and rollout on the Google Ranking Updates page, which contains the latest details on ranking updates made to Google Search that are relevant to website owners.

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As you can see, this update to the ranking algorithm is aimed at rewarding content that provides a satisfactory user experience in the SERPs, while reducing the visibility of content that is written primarily for the purpose of ranking in search engines and attracting clicks. Google wants to make more Helpful content available to its users, and through testing, engineers have found that the most satisfying content for users comes first, not the search engine. The more detailed, accurate, and useful your content is to people, the better it should perform in Search.
